Bahar D Viniche

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I am a Ph.D. candidate in Transportation Engineering at York University and a researcher in the Interactive-OR Lab. My research focuses on developing decision-support models for last-mile logistics and supply chain management, using advanced optimization techniques, parametric design, and machine learning algorithms.

I have the privilege of working under the supervision of Professor Mehdi Noruinejad, along with co-advisors Professor Opher Baron and Professor Oded Berman from the Rotman School of Management , University of Toronto. Additionally, I am also fortunate to collaborate with Professor Elkafi Hassini from the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University on equitable last-mile logistics.

Prior to beginning my Ph.D. studies, I obtained my MSc in Air Transportation from Sharif University of Technology, where I worked on a System Dynamics model for airline expansion. I also obtained my BSc in Aerospace Engineering from Sharif University of Technology.

I am honored to have received the 2023 Women in Transportation WTS Toronto Chapter Graduate Scholarship Award, recognizing my dedication to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and my strong academic performance.

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